
LactaSfera is born

In recent decades, public health worldwide has highlighted the importance of breastfeeding to ensure maternal and child health and prevent diseases. Renowned international organizations and scientific societies from all over the world insist on the importance of carrying out programs and specific actions in the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding. In LactaSfera we are… Sigue leyendo LactaSfera is born


De padre a padre

Un estudio australiano publicado recientemente (enero 2019) en la revista BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth evaluó el proceso de una clase de lactancia materna prenatal dirigida por padres para padres, es decir, asesoría entre pares masculinos. (1) El estudio titulado "Iniciativa de Alimentación Infantil para Padres" (PIFI, por sus siglas en inglés) es un ensayo controlado… Sigue leyendo De padre a padre


Primer baño del recién nacido

Imagina a un recién nacido. ¿Cómo lo visualizas? Tierno, suave, rosadito… Esta imagen difiere mucho de la estampa que nos encontramos cuando llega al mundo nuestro hijo: resbaladizo, arrugadito y cubierto de un unte blanco pegajoso. La sustancia en cuestión se llama vérnix caseoso o unto sebáceo, y no es suciedad, sino una mezcla de… Sigue leyendo Primer baño del recién nacido

frequent questions

Water during exclusive breastfeeding?

Does the infant need water if he is being fed exclusive breastfeeding? The infant with less than 6 months who takes exclusively breastfeed on demand will not require extra contributions of water, infusions or any other liquid, even in the hottest months. If, on the other hand, the baby is more than 6 months old… Sigue leyendo Water during exclusive breastfeeding?


Breastfeeding in older children

In many cultures it is common to breastfeed children over one year of age. In western countries it is still relatively uncommon, although breastfeeding is being increasingly normalized in older children. However, it is usual for mothers or families who decide to breastfeed older children to meet occasionally, certain barriers or rejection by the social… Sigue leyendo Breastfeeding in older children


10 Key words about the beginning of Breastfeeding

With these 10 key words we want to summarize, in a clear and concise way, the main information about the beginning of breastfeeding. 1. Information During pregnancy is a good time to inform yourself about breastfeeding. Do it as a couple and also with the family. There are good guides and bibliography of recognized quality,… Sigue leyendo 10 Key words about the beginning of Breastfeeding